Laundry: Blessing or Curse?

***image1***‘Tis the season to give thanks, for all we are blessed with and for all we have been spared. However, there is a pestilence that will always plague our lives. It is called Laundry and you are not alone. Whether you are single, have a family or live with roommates, laundry piles up. If there isn’t a consistent system in place, it can become overwhelming. I want to share a few tips that may alleviate your laundry pile-ups. Once in place, these tips will spare you from dreading this task. Consider it your ‘laundry flu shot’!

Tips for taming the Laundry Lion(ess)

1. Problem. Is laundry done whenever you get a minute, often causing it to become an all-day affair?

Solution. Decide when you prefer to do laundry, whether it be mornings, evenings, or just on the weekends. To establish a system, for the first time or two, keep track of how long it takes for the whole process from sorting to putting away. Consistency will make this work for stay-at-home folks and those who work outside of the home. Here are two schedule samples that work:

Work Inside the Home Folks: Try a two-a-day load. Start a wash in the morning. Go through your daily routine. Throw that load in the dryer when done and start another wash. Then, before or even after dinner, take the dried load out and put the other into the dryer. Fold this load while dinner is cooking or being delivered. Take out the last load and fold before you get ready for bed, making sure each person’s laundry is in a unique pile so they can put it away. Throughout the process, always enlist the help of those around you. It takes some of the burden off of you and establishes healthy patterns for all. (My mom always had us carry a folded basket of clothes upstairs that we distributed to the appropriate room or closet—daily!).

Work Outside the Home Folks: Throw a load in before going to bed, and then toss them in the dryer as you head out in the morning. As soon as you get home, spin the dryer one more time, pull the load out, fold and put into appropriate piles. Delegate family members to sort and fold. You’ll have to establish a strong system as time is limited in the early morning and after-work hours, but with a consistent plan you will be pleased with the time you save and laundry you clean!

2. Problem. How can I get help from others?

Solution. Consider your family’s patterns. Have them wear clothes more than once a week unless they work in construction or an activity that produces sweat and grime. Hang up that uniform or pair of pants when you get home. Think in terms of conserving time and work. To further this idea, limit 1-2 towels for each person per week. If you have young children, let them roll socks. Set up a point or reward system so it is a positive task, not a chore.

3. Problem. How many items of clothing does your family really need? I know this is difficult, but an assessment of what is worn can truly help you tame the Laundry Lion (ness).

Solution. If you realize there is excess, consider paring down outfits. This is the season of giving, so perhaps you can cull through the closets and see what hasn’t been worn in quite some time. I’m not advocating a Spartan lifestyle, just a more realistic one. Be honest! Are you trying things on only to throw them into the laundry pile because they didn’t fit or you really don’t like it anymore? Take a moment and look at what is worn and what could be donated, consigned or tossed.

Problem. You don’t feel you are maximizing your laundry machines, products or process.

Solution. Regardless of your chosen system, always try to wash a full load. Make sure everyone knows how to be use the machine cycles for efficiency and use the buzzer on the dryer. If you separate colors and whites, purchase a bin with at least two sacks for sorting. If you iron, run that load first and pull it out of the dryer immediately to minimize wrinkling. Clean out products that are not used or too old to be effective. Most importantly - Give your new system at least a month in order to tweak it. Work realistically to create an efficient and smart plan. You’ll be surprised at how good you feel about the time you save and the laundry that is clean!


If you have any questions regarding this topic or other organizing suggestions, don’t hesitate to contact me at or 843-345-2592.

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