CCPD 3-day active shooter exercise on Bishop England campus

If you spot a number of police officers around the Bishop England High School early this week, there’s no need for alarm.

The City of Charleston Police Department is conducting active shooter training for its new cadet trainees for three days on the high school campus.

Training will run 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Wednesday, July 29-31.

An announcement sent out by BEHS principal Mary Anne Tucker stated the school office will remain open for its regular summer hours, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., and will be “conducting business as usual.”

In her message, Tucker said the training exercise “is beneficial to us in that they will have a thorough understanding of our campus should we ever have an emergency situation that requires their intervention.”

The active shooter training is standard practice for new cadets and has been conducted at many schools throughout the Lowcountry, said Sgt. Chris Stinson, CCPD public information officer in an email.

“If any of your readers would like to receive personalized active shooter instruction at their businesses or organization, they can submit a request through our website and our certified ALICE instructor will reach out. ALICE stands for Alert - Lockdown - Inform - Counter - Evacuate,” he said.

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