Developer to meet with concerned residents over tree removal

The developer of a proposed townhome community on Fairchild Drive will host a community discussion regarding planned tree cutting, announced The Daniel Island Neighborhood Association.
Holder Properties has requested a variance to remove 23 grand trees from the northeast corner of Fairchild Drive and River Landing Drive at the onramp/offramp of I-526, and the project is before the City of Charleston Board of Zoning Appeals. (Read story here).
But concerns from local residents have raised red flags and the request has been deferred as the developer makes plans to answer questions around the issue. (Public comments filed with the zoning board can be read online.)
Holder Properties will host a community drop-in on Thursday, Oct. 12, from 5-6 p.m. at their Daniel Island office building, 100 Coastal Drive, for any residents with questions regarding the site plan for the townhomes at River Landing. Members of the Holder Properties team and the project‘s arborist will be on hand to answer questions and share additional details on the process thus far.
The parcel of land may be recognized currently as the thick stand of trees behind the Blackbaud parking lot at the corner of Fairchild and River Landing, and trailing east along I-526 for several hundred yards toward the Wando Bridge, noted DINA release. These trees separate and shield Daniel Island from the interstate and is effectively the gateway onto and off of Daniel Island, the most visible entrance to the island, the group noted, adding that until now, it has been a visual and sound buffer to the community.
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