Free parking for downtown shoppers

As a gift to residents this holiday season, the City of Charleston is once again offering a free two-hour parking voucher for use in participating city garages through Dec. 31. Residents will be able to use their mobile devices as their parking voucher. Find the voucher online
To use the parking voucher after downloading, just:
• Pull a ticket from one of the participating garages.
• Upon exiting, insert the ticket.
• Once the ticket is inserted, scan the parking voucher’s QR Code at the reader located on the upper right-hand corner of the machine.
• If you are parked for more than two hours, you will need to pay any remaining fees.
• Need Help? Press the blue call button at the top of the machine for assistance.
Don’t worry! If you don’t have a smartphone or just prefer a hard copy, there is a printable version to download
The participating garages are:
• Saint Philip Street - 34 Saint Philip Street
• Visitor Center - 63 Mary Street
• Majestic Square - 211 King Street
• Queen Street - 93 Queen Street
The offer is not valid during special event rates. Other exclusions may apply.

Daniel Island Publishing

225 Seven Farms Drive
Unit 108
Daniel Island, SC 29492 

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