Red Balloon Yard Sale is Sept. 28

Bargain hunters can get out their treasure maps to search Daniel Island neighborhoods for the annual fall Red Balloon Yard Sale on Saturday, Sept. 28, from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Those wishing to take advantage of the chance to clear some clutter should put a red balloon at their home to let everyone know you are participating in this island-wide event.

The Daniel Island Property Owners Association reminds sellers the sale must be in either the front or rear of their property and no blocking of sidewalks is allowed. Set up or selling is not allowed in any POA common areas, parks, or amenities or those belonging to the City of Charleston. This is prohibited for liability and insurance reasons.

The sale will be held rain or shine. There is no rescheduled date for inclement weather.

Many homeowners have already registered their sale location and can be found on the map on the POA website.

If you would like for your address to be added to the sale map, email Please include in the subject line of the email “2024 Fall Red Balloon Yard Sale Map” and then in the body of the email provide your Daniel Island address as well as a good contact phone number in case the POA needs to get back to you for any reason. The address will then be added to the map of participating homes.

This is only for homes located on Daniel Island.

For those participating in the yard sale who would like to donate unsold items to Palmetto Goodwill, they will have one truck located at the Blackbaud parking lot on Fairchild Street and River Landing Drive to collect donated items from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. (or until their truck fills up). Goodwill may not be able to accommodate everyone due to truck space and timing constraints and depending on the number of donations but will try to accommodate to the best of their ability. Donation collection is on a first-come, first-serve, drop-off basis.

For more information about the sale, donation restrictions and schedule, visit the POA website.


Daniel Island Publishing

225 Seven Farms Drive
Unit 108
Daniel Island, SC 29492 

Office Number: 843-856-1999
Fax Number: 843-856-8555


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