Towne at Cooper River proposes 350 units off Clements Ferry Rd.

Here are the developments before the various City of Charleston boards and committees this week, as well as results, if any, from the prior week’s items specific to Daniel Island and the Cainhoy area.
More detailed agendas and results can be found at
July 11: Towne At Cooper River Phase II (Road And Infrastructure) - Proposed road improvements to Enterprise Blvd., Beresford Run and Clements Ferry on 30.1 acres at 2620 Clements Ferry Rd. TMS: B2710001035. Owner: Cato Holdings LLC. Applicant: Seamon, Whiteside & Associates, Inc. Contact: Spencer Plowden,
July 11: Towne At Cooper River R/W Extension – Preliminary plat and proposed R/W extension, roadway construction, and master infrastructure to serve Towne at Cooper River Master for 3 lots on 29.915 acres at 2620 Clements Ferry Rd. TMS: B2710001035. Owner: Cato Holding LLC. Applicant: Seamon, Whiteside & Associates, Inc. Contact: Spencer Plowden,
July 11:  Towne At Cooper River Preliminary Plat 2 - Preliminary plat for 350 units for a proposed subdivision of parcel 2620 Clements Ferry Rd. TMS: B2710001035. Owner: Cato Holdings LLC. Applicant: Seamon, Whiteside & Associates, Inc. Contact: Spencer Plowden,

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