With Publix closed, where are you shopping?

The Daniel Island Publix officially closed after Santa flew back to the North Pole on Dec. 24.
While some island stores are trying to fill in the gap by starting to carry some added staples, the community is now left without a grocery outlet for at least the next year.
So, where are you now shopping for groceries? 
COMMENTS: What other stores are you using? And how are you adjusting your shopping routine in light of the store closure?
To read all the comments for this and past surveys go online to bit.ly/45vehL9.
• I was hoping I would shop “smarter” but so far I am just overbuying :-(
• Trader Joe’s
• I get sandwiches for lunch at Subway instead of Publix.
• Point Hope Publix, New Trader Joe’s, Lowes Foods on HWY 41
• We’re making sure we get everything we need during each visit since the Belle Hall HT is not as convenient – especially during the busiest truck times.
• I hate driving on Clements Ferry, so I will only be going to the store every 2-3 weeks and making things last. I also order a lot of protein drinks and protein bars from Costco, so I will use those as meal replacement when I run out of food. Wish I could find things at the Refuel here on DI but pretty much all they stock is junk food and processed carbohydrates.
• I’ve always shopped at the Belle Hall Harris Teeter. The Daniel Island Publix was never adequate.
• Moved to delivery. Never used that service before. I like it so far! And will likely keep using it once Publix re-opens.
• Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s
• Going to the grocery store has become very intentional for me, planning ahead for several days with a list of items I need and then trying to tie in grocery shopping with other off-islanderrands.

• Walmart+ delivery

• Go to Point Hope Publix, Belle shall Harris Teeter, NY Butcher, Aldi and Trader Joe’s. I don’t go to them all weekly. I just go to the one that has what I need at the time.

• Whole Foods. Never even shopped at Publix so its closing has had no bearing on our family.

• This isn't exactly what you asked about here, but thought I'd chime in! I live in Belle Hall (work and school on DI) and just came here to say that, since the DI Publix closure, the Belle Hall Harris Teeter that I've shopped at for 20 years has been totally overrun, nowhere to park, check out lines down the aisles, and out of stock of many normal staple items and I'm thinking it must be due at least in part to the Publix closure. Hoping HT steps up to accommodate the extra flow of customers! All that said, I don't mind one bit, and welcome all DI shoppers to join at HT any time!

• Sea Island Teeter

• Why did our officials agree to the one year Publix shutdown when the agreement signed in the 1990s allowed Publix to be the sole supermarket on DI as long as they serviced the community. They stopped servicing the community and I believe they have broken the agreement. I believe they could have renovated and expanded while maintaining their presence and providing the services they agreed to, but it would have cost them more to do so. Who benefited from this and how? Certainly not the residents. Were there any "secret handshakes" behind closed doors? Now that the agreement is broken, bring in another supermarket chain elsewhere on the island so we do not remain subject to the whims and profit seeking of Publix management by creating some competition.

• The new Trader Joe’s by Town Center in Mt. P

• Military commissary

• I shop Aldi for the majority. The Island Publix was used for quick pickups of items, unplanned quick needs, but it was so much more expensive than most every other store, it never had the majority of my shopping.

• I just make sure I stop at the stores stated [in the survey] when doing errands and make a list so there's no “uh oh” moments.

• It blows my mind that anyone would choose HT over the Clements Ferry Publix.

• Instacart Publix and Trader Joe’s

• Have to be more thoughtful about planning. No last minute trips. It actually helps me spend less.

• Trying to buy food for 3-4 days worth of meals per shop.

• Multiple Publix locations in Mt P

• IOP Harris Teeter, Trader Joe’s on 17

• The only difference is planning to get groceries at a different time of the day. I’d imagine people leave “the island” to do various other activities other than grocery shop, so adding in a quick shop, pickup or delivery really isn’t the end of the world. The sky is not falling.

• Publix 17S, Whole Foods home delivery

• Publix Super Market at Queensborough Shopping Center

• No change, I continue to use Walmart delivery.

• Point Hope Publix, Trader Joe’s, Island Stores

• Aldi in MTP

• Publix Anna Knapp

• Whole Foods delivery

• Aldi and Trader Joe's in Mt. Pleasant.

• Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods and hopefully Palmetto Shrimp at Boone Hall. CVS on DI only because (we) had colds.

• Other food stores on the island, not happy Publix closed

• New York Butcher Shoppe

• Lowes Foods Hwy 41

• … Just used DI Publix for milk eggs etc

• HT or Trader Joe’s off Hungryneck and IOP connector

• A combination of Publix and Harris Teeter. HT has more organic/natural options than the Point Hope Publix.

• Definitely have to plan when to go to Mt Pleasant with 526 traffic

• Leaving the island!

• Fewer trips to the grocery now that we have to travel much farther. And since we go less frequently, we now buy more groceries per trip as compared to DI Publix

• Very inconvenient

• Shopping less times each week.

• I was primarily shopping at Harris Teeter, so no major change for me.

• Planning meals in advance more frequently. Buying extra of many staple items.

• Inconvenienced

• No change in routine, PH Publix was already my preferred store due to their larger product selection and already prepared items.

• NY butcher visit more.

• Better meal planning, better inventory check

• Whole Foods delivery or pick up

• Nothing changed, always shopped at Aldi. Just can't get quick things from Publix now.

• Better planning, since I can't just dash to the store if I want/need something.

• More Doordash & UberEats than usual.

• We’ve actually found the adjustment much easier than we expected. The prices and variety of food at HT seems to be competitive in comparison to the old Publix. It’s been a great way to also explore the smaller businesses on the island.

• Delivery/pickup

• Point Hope Publix is much nicer.

• Less trip to the grocery store.

• Buying more quantity so cut back on the number of trips!

• Switched to a weekly delivery.

• Stopping in Mt. Pleasant on way home from work.

• Shopping much smarter and with a plan. Definitely saving money by not impulse buying.

• I work in Mt P so I shop before or after work.

• Planning for multiple nights

• Less day to day shopping and more intentional shopping. Too soon to really know. Creating dinner menus for 3-5 days out instead of same day shopping for last minute meal decisions.

• Using Walmart Plus in addition to using the Point Hope Publix.

• I miss them already. Shopping between PH and HT at BH.

• Try to plan ahead but it’s only been a few weeks.

• Less frequent trips to the grocery store.

• No change

• Weekly

• Luckily I work in Belle Hall so I was rarely at the DI Publix to begin with. Once it’s complete I intend to shop there more!

• Bigger, better shopping at HT.

• Definitely a time inconvenience but this other Publix [at Point Hope] offers so much more.

• Never really shopped at the DI Publix.

• Not adjusting my routine at all. The Publix store had limited offerings and higher prices than what I pay at Whole Foods and Trader Joes.

• Ok we try to buy dinners for several days at a time.

• Not at all. Only used Publix once every few months for emergencies.

• It just takes better planning and losing the mindset you can just “run to the store” if you are out of something, and being adaptable.

• PH Publix is the best anyway.

• Shops when I’m out vs. going in every day.

• Attempting to meal plan more since we can't make last-minute grocery runs!


Daniel Island Publishing

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Unit 108
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