Readers speak out on President Biden ending candidacy

On July 21, Pres. Joe Biden announced he was stepping down as the Democrats’ 2024 presidential candidate after weeks of speculations and falling poll numbers. Do you believe he made the right decision? And what are your concerns about the race moving forward?
• Yes, it was a good decision. 63%
• No, he should have stayed in the race. 5%
• Other 32%
Comments: Was it the right thing? Tell us what your concerns are about the race moving forward.
• He should have bowed out before the primary election to allow voters to decide who should be the Democratic candidate.
• They should have let people vote for the nominee.
• He did the right thing for the country by stepping aside for the younger generation. By resigning he offered a better future for our country rather than selfishly grabbing an unfounded tribute to himself.
• He did not step down voluntarily. He was tossed out by the Democratic Party.
• He was no longer able to present himself as a viable candidate.
• I am concerned that important issues like the economy, foreign policy, and public health will be buried beneath personal attacks and hateful rhetoric, and that voters will be swayed by their emotions and prejudice rather than what's best for this country.
• That the rhetoric will continue to escalate.
• Worried there will be further polarization of the country through media bias.
• Saving democracy and decency.
• No concerns now. With the Democratic side of the ticket energized, hopefully our democracy will survive.
• Trump needs to debate Harris and not walk away from that challenge!
• I am concerned that Republican members of Congress will challenge the results of the election.
• … It's a very divisive election and so chaotic. What a situation!
• Not enough time to consider other candidates
• Honestly over politics. We are a nation of genuine, caring "neighbors." Let's pull together and listen to both the majority and minority. Divided we fall.
• I worry that it’s a shame we don’t have younger, better qualified candidates!
• None!
• That … voters will continue to disregard our neighborhood rules and keep cluttering the island’s fine features with nonsense political messaging in the form of flags and yard signs. We all know who is running. Your sign won’t change my mind. But it does “uglify” DI, regardless of party.
• There's irony in the fact that this has been one of, if not the first-time, a presidential candidate quit a campaign after receiving enough votes to become a party's candidate. So much for democracy!
• He should have stepped aside earlier, giving time for all candidates to be assessed.