Where in the area is Caley Smith?

Located near the Credit One Stadium in downtown Daniel Island, today I found myself watching about 15 dogs run and a handful of people biking while enjoying the beautiful fall evening.
Any idea where I could be? This place offers a variety of amenities for the community to enjoy.
Maintained by the City of Charleston, there are waterfront walking trails, soccer fields, indoor basketball courts, a dog park, a playground, and more.
Signage indicates that you are able to rent a part of the facility for special events by calling the city’s parks department.
If you guessed Governor’s Park, you are right! What a great location that offers something for everyone.

Daniel Island Publishing

225 Seven Farms Drive
Unit 108
Daniel Island, SC 29492 

Office Number: 843-856-1999
Fax Number: 843-856-8555


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