Flags taken from Field of Honor display at Smythe Park

Daniel Island’s Field of Honor isn’t getting the honor it deserves. According to the Daniel Island Exchange Club, the organization sponsoring the patriotic exhibition of more than 600 American flags, a dozen flags from the program’s Smythe Park display have been stolen.

On June 29, the night the display first went up, two flags were taken. Another nine went missing sometime between July 4 and 5 – seven from the field next to the lake and two from the row of flags along Daniel Island Drive.

Jim Herzog, who is overseeing the Field of Honor project for the Daniel Island Exchange Club (DIEC), reported the theft to officers at Team 5 on July 5. Last weekend, another flag was stolen, bringing the total to 12. Three flags were later recovered in a nearby yard.

“It’s really just so wrong on so many levels,” said Herzog. “It’s impossible to understand.” In light of the situation, the club decided to remove the entire Smyth Park display on Sunday, July 7. To date, there have not been any flags taken from the display on River Landing Drive, so that site will remain until July 14, the planned date of removal of the field.

“Your Daniel Island Exchange Club takes great pride in bringing our island the Field of Honor and Smythe Park flag displays honoring our home town heroes,” stated club member JC Dominick. “We are very disappointed that over a three day period a dozen flags were taken from the Smythe Park display. Your Exchange Club is focused on making our community a better place to live and is very disappointed that these losses have forced us to take down our Smythe Park display a week earlier than planned. Thank you all for your continued support of this Americanism-focused project and your Exchange Club.”

Lt. Patrick McLaughlin, commanding officer at Team 5, confirmed that his officers are investigating “this criminal act, looking for witnesses and/or video surveillance.”

Anyone with information is encouraged to contact the Consolidated Dispatch Center at 843-743-7200 or the Police Department at 843-849-0304.

Daniel Island Publishing

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