Local teens complete Eagle Scout projects

Huger resident Duncan Levay and Daniel Island resident Preston Maile will soon become the second and third Boy Scouts at Daniel Island-based Troop 519 to earn a coveted Eagle Scout Award. A junior at Palmetto Scholars Academy, Levay has been a member of the troop since 2009. Maile, a sophomore at Bishop England High School, started scouting in the second grade.

For his Eagle project, Levay took on the task of cleaning, wire brushing and painting the canons and pedestals located next to Sullivan’s Island Baptist Church. The monuments mark one of the original entrances to a base that was once located on the island, explained Levay. The town of Sullivan’s Island contributed funding for the paint supplies. Levay and a team of his fellow Scouts completed the painting project on April 23.

“Since I joined Scouts, I’ve been thinking about what an honor it would be to get the Eagle badge,” said Levay. “I’ve had friends who have gotten it in other troops, and at the camp I work at. And then my Dad told me about how he was almost able to get it, but because his troop fell apart he wasn’t able to.”

Maile reached out to the Daniel Island Property Owners Association earlier this year to find out if there was a particular task he could undertake to benefit the community for his Eagle Project. After meeting with Field Operations Manager Chris Hamil at the POA, Maile learned that Hamil was starting a new church in Mount Pleasant that was in need of a playground. The pair agreed it would fit Maile’s requirements.

“The planning took about a month or so, but we were able to knock it out in one weekend!” said Maile, who worked with local playground designer Susan Wakefield on the project. “We did a lot of sanding of the wood. We had to cut lumber and do measurements, dig holes, put up support beams, and do basic foundational work.”

The structure is intended for ages 5 to 9 and features a barn theme.

“It was really impressive to see how it all came together,” added Maile, who was assisted by several of his fellow Scouts in the process.

On their way to achieving the Eagle Scout designation, Levay and Maile first had to earn the ranks of Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, and Life. Additionally, as per Eagle requirements, they have earned 12 mandatory merit badges and nine elective merit badges, and have spent at least 13 hours on a service project. All total, Eagle recipients must complete approximately 325 different requirements.

“Scouting has been very beneficial to me, and to a lot of the other boys as well,” said Maile. “But the experience of leadership has been the most valuable part.”

“It’s just been a great experience,” added Levay. “I’ve met some of my best friends through Scouts.”

Both Levay and Maile expect to finish up their required paperwork on their projects this month, with commemorative Eagle Scout ceremonies to follow.

Daniel Island Publishing

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