Letters to the Editor - January 6, 2011

Help needed for family who lost home to fire

I am writing in response to the recent article about the Cainhoy family who lost their home in a fire on December 17th. My son, Carl, attended school with one of Mrs. Fishburne’s children. This young lady graduated last year from Hanahan High School and is currently studying at S.C. State College. She is home and visiting her family for her Christmas break, but has experienced an extreme loss. She is extremely concerned for her Mom’s well being and asks nothing for herself; however, for me it’s important that she return to college with the things she needs in order to continue her studies and persevere towards her dream of becoming a Social Worker. In addition to the struggles that she is facing, her sister and her three children face the loss of their home too, since they shared this home with her mom. In these difficult times and at a time where we are so fortunate to live in the Daniel Island Community, I would call on all Daniel Island residents to look into their hearts and please help this family as they begin to put their lives back together.

Contributions may be mailed to the POA office (130 River Landing Drive, Suite 1C, Daniel Island, SC 29492. Checks should be payable to Daniel Island Community Foundation with "Fishburne" listed on the memo line.


Debbie Geilfuss


Unwanted Christmas gift

Our Christmas day family celebration started at about 12:30 when my 80 year old parents arrived from Seabrook Island. We had an early dinner to insure that they could leave Daniel Island and get back to Seabrook before the early afternoon darkness. My brother and sister joined us at almost the exact same time and all three parked their cars in front of our home on King George Street.

At approximately 1 p.m. we looked out the window to see the "gift" that had bestowed on us—parking tickets for the cars facing in the wrong direction. You have got to be kidding. Are you telling me Team 5 had nothing better to do than to write parking tickets on Christmas Day?

Every day on Daniel Island I see cars (mostly trucks) that will park in the correct direction on both sides of the same street, thus making driving past them the equivalent of threading a needle. Have you ever written them a ticket? No! Even though they are creating a severe traffic hazard and will make it absolutely impossible for an EMS wagon or a fire truck to pass, there apparently is nothing illegal about being stupid as long as you are facing in the correct direction!

Laws are created to protect the general public and to eliminate menaces to society. Can you show me the enhanced "protection" that is achieved by having people park in one direction? Can you show me the "menace" that is eliminated via this law? I think your time is better spent out on 526 where if you merely drive the speed limit trucks will run over you and grace you with obscene hand gestures. Was this really the only "crime" that you could fight on Christmas Day?

As soon as we saw the tickets I jumped in my car and drove to Ralston Creek Street, Gun Boat, Park Crossing, Island Park Drive, Creek Landing Street, Iron Bottom Lane and Rhoden Island Drive. All of these streets had cars facing in the wrong direction but none of them had tickets. If the police are going to enforce an idiotic law, they should enforce the law uniformly.

Jill Hiers

Daniel Island

Daniel Island Publishing

225 Seven Farms Drive
Unit 108
Daniel Island, SC 29492 

Office Number: 843-856-1999
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