Readers speak out on General Election holiday

With the General Election Day, Nov. 5, just days away, all parties are hitting the campaign trail hard.
Some political proponents say that the “couch factor” could have a significant impact this election, so both sides are emphasizing “get out the vote.”
In the past, there have been calls to make General Election Day a national holiday so it was easier to get to the polls to vote.
Is this a good idea or unnecessary? 
Comments: Why should it be a holiday or not? Will you be voting early or going to the polls on Nov. 5?
To read all the comments for this and past surveys, go online to 

• Make it a holiday. It would make more sense than some of the federal holidays we already have! If you were able to vote early, then that’s a bonus for you, but the reality is that a number of citizens are not able to vote early because they work full time. I have been observing crowds voting early in Mount Pleasant and a large number are retirees, not full time workers. We should be making sure everyone has the chance to vote, not simply saying “what we have is good enough,” when it leaves people unable to cast a vote. Many schools are used as polling places, meaning kids are already out of school, so what’s the harm? More people voting? That should be the goal.

• I think they should expand vote by mail (not absentee voting) to all states.

• Yes, despite the fact it would likely increase poll lines due to higher engagement. We need higher voting engagement.

• Yes, but early voting is also essential. There is no reason why everyone should have to stand in line all day on the same day.

• Already voted early

• I plan to vote early here on DI and am so grateful for the convenient option.

• Voted by mail

• Will be attempting to vote early if possible, as I do not have the day off from work unfortunately

• Voted early

• Depends if I can take time off during early voting.

• Early - already did!

• Yes, voting early. We should do everything we can to make voting more accessible.

• Early & already voted 10/21

• Yes. Voted early from abroad.

• I voted Oct 25.

• Normally on election day, but this year early.

• Early – on a Saturday, because work.


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