Readers speak out on going to the beach
Wed, 09/04/2024 - 1:05pm

With the dog days of summer now behind us, there’s still plenty of good beach days ahead. In fact, Friday, Aug. 30 was National Beach Day. Those inlanders who envy the Lowcountry coastal dwellers probably picture us on the beach every day. But sometimes when you live near such treasures you don’t take advantage of it as often – think the New Yorker who never went to the Empire State Building or the South Dakotan who never went to Mount Rushmore. So, are you a faithful beachgoer? Or just an occasional dipper?
Editor’s note:
The responses “We only go when visitors are in town” and “We skip the sand, stick to the pool” received no votes.
COMMENTS: Tell us about going to the beach and which Charleston-area beach is your fave.
• We used to go a lot when we first moved here, but go less now.
• I only go a few times a year, but I always want to go more often. A lot of rain this summer didn’t help. Maybe when I retire I can be a regular beachgoer...
• We only go when the tourists are gone. And only a couple times per year at that.
• We probably average 2x a month.
• Secret Beach, DI
• Isle of Palms
• Sullivan’s Island
• Folly Beach
• Whichever one has no people
• Sullivan’s Island
• Sullivan’s
• Sullivan’s and IOP