Readers speak out on local history being taught at BCSD

Poll Question:

A recent Daniel Island News article reported a group of residents were proposing that stories of centuries-old Native American settlements and slave villages on Cainhoy soil be implemented into the Berkeley County School District’s educational curriculum to recognize the corridor’s local history. (Read the story at Do you think that a formal local history class should be added to the school’s classes?

Yes, I think it’s important to learn local history. 77%
Maybe, it would depend on who develops/approves the classroom lessons. 8%
No, I think that local history is too specific for general education. 8%
Other 8%


What grade levels do you think would be appropriate for the content?

• I think students should be exposed to local history through regular special assemblies (four times) annually organized by the school district with guest speakers who are experts. Take, for example, certified tour guides, historians, college professors who could present the history. Do not add more curriculum to what teachers already are currently responsible for teaching. I think exposure at elementary and middle school levels would be appropriate.
• They already devote 3rd and 8th grades to SC history, it would be natural to include it. My hope would be that a group of community members would develop a presentation and travel to the various schools to give it to those grade level classes.
• History? What are we hiding? All grades.
• 2nd-12th
• Seriously? We’re questioning whether to intentionally exclude local history to our children?…
• Starting in 5th
• Depends on the curriculum. At least middle school or higher.
• Fourth or fifth, whenever state history is taught
• 7-9th
• 6-8th grade
• 4th grade through high school
• All history is local. Adding early native peoples and slave history should be part of a larger state history.


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