A Simple Thank You Note

Then the king will say to those at his right hand, “Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me. Matthew 25:34-35
***image1***A long time ago my mother taught me a simple rule of etiquette. “Whenever you receive a gift, you write that person a thank-you note,” she explained. I did not like that rule. I especially did not like that rule when she told me I could not play with my gift until I wrote the thank-you note. In my rush to get it over with, I would quickly scribble something out on a card, drop it in the mail and begin playing with my toy. The notes would always say something like, “Thank you for the (insert gift name here). It is just what I wanted. Come see us soon. Love, David.” Mom was happy and I was happy. The thank-you note issue had been resolved.
In the days that immediately followed the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, Barbara McLaughlin of the Daniel Island Homeowners Association called the church and asked what our plans were to assist in whatever could be done to help our neighbors in the Gulf Basin. I told her we had some outlets available where 100 percent of collected monies would go directly to aid the victims. We talked about working together, the church and the Island, to get as many people involved as possible. We decided a three-pronged, “island-wide” relief campaign was necessary to meet the incredible needs after Katrina. We would invite the businesses, the residents, and the church to contribute to a community relief fund.
Barbara contacted the Island businesses and the Island residents, we contacted our church members and also became the collection agency for funds. We put a week deadline on collecting money so that the hurricane would not soon be forgotten. Little did we know how devastating Katrina would be. Also, little did we know how much compassion you would show to folks you do not know.
Knowing that your gift needs to be used immediately and still wanting to do the right thing, I offer this note of thanks to you…
Dear Daniel Island Businesses, Daniel Island Residents, and members of Providence Baptist Church;
Thank you for all the money you gave to provide some help and relief to everyone affected by Hurricane Katrina. In one week’s time, you gave over $34,000! That money has been sent to Water Missions International (www.watermissions.org), a local Christian organization that makes water filtration units that provide clean drinking waters for people who have none. We have been informed that an organization in California will match our funds at WMI, for a grand total of $68,000!
In the aftermath of Katrina, the Gulf Basin was devastated with water, and now, people do not have safe water to drink. Your gifts will make it possible for WMI to send water filtration units to areas that would not have clean, safe water for a long time.
Once these areas have clean water and water system has been deemed safe, WMI will then ship our units to another area that needs clean water. You gift of love and kindness will be used long after Katrina is finally over.
Thank you Island businesses for banding together and challenging your employees and each other. Thank you Island residents for your generous gifts and your willingness to share. Thank you Providence Baptist Church and Barbara at the Daniel Island Community Association for partnering together to make this happen.
Peace and love,