Low inventory and heightened interest rates affect DI market

In July, 25 homes sold on Daniel Island. As of Aug. 18, there were 64 homes listed for sale. Of those, there were 23 active listings and 41 listings were under contract. 
The total sales for the month were $36,919,032. The most expensive home sold in July was in Daniel Island Park on Woodford Street for $3.85 million. The least expensive home sold was a condo on Pier View Street that sold for $370,000.
According to Tricia Peterson with Island House Real Estate, the current market on Daniel Island has become increasingly unaffordable. 
“The real estate market has gone through many changes in the last few years and for most people Daniel Island is not affordable anymore. The lack of inventory and heightened interest rates have stalled buyers from being able to afford our community and members of our community from selling and buying other homes within Daniel Island. Also, the starting price of homes has crept up significantly and now we are lucky to see one or two homes under $2 million,” Peterson says of the current market on Daniel Island.
1160 Blakeway St. - $1,590,000
1267 Blakeway St. - $1,335,000
124 Brailsford St. - $1,525,000
861 Center Park St. - $825,000
309 Chimney Back St. - $2,750,000
775 Dunham St. - $2,075,062
1321 Elfe St. - $940,000
130 Fairbanks Oak Alley #4B - $1,745,000
319 Gunboat Lane - $3,200,000
2588 Josiah St. - $1,215,000
139 King George St. - $2,425,000
510 Lesesne St. - $2,158,970
211 N. Ladd St. - $1,525,000
36 Pagett St. - $2,150,000
145 Pier View St. #406 - $370,000
130 River Landing Drive #8210 - $480,000
130 River Landing Drive #2205 - $410,000
130 River Landing Drive #7300 - $385,000
200 River Landing Drive E102 - $690,000
200 River Landing Drive A104 - $400,000
260 Seven Farms Drive #305 - $450,000
1523 Wando Landing St. - $1,600,000
1521 Willtown St. - $1,500,000
1549 Willtown St. - $1,325,000
23 Woodford St. - $3,850,000
Compiled by Katherine Smith 

Daniel Island Publishing

225 Seven Farms Drive
Unit 108
Daniel Island, SC 29492 

Office Number: 843-856-1999
Fax Number: 843-856-8555


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