School’s out, work’s in! Summer jobs for teens Tyler Smith, 16: “I chose to work at Harris Teeter because I like to help people. I have a lot of people I get along with that work there. The managers are super nice, and they’re good at making a schedule that works for me.” Sophia Masters, 18: “I love to DJ because I’m passionate about music and the way it connects people.” Rowan Slaven, 16: “I had an interview at LongHorn (Steakhouse) today. I want to work there because I like working around food and making people happy.” JB Crady, 16: “I’m working at Nautical Boat Club for a second summer. I love being outdoors and boating so being a dockhand at Nautical is really a fun job for me.” Analee Hankinson, 17: “I chose to work at Charleston Adventure Forest because I really wanted to interact with kids. It’s a great summer job with lots of learning opportunities and super flexible hours.” Brayden Burnett, 16: “I work at Isle of Palms County Park. I chose it because it’s outdoors, hands-on, and at the beach.” Chase Masters, 16: “I’m working at Chick-fil-A. It may not be my destiny, but it is my pleasure.” Eliza, 16, and Jude Miller, 14: “We work concessions at Splash Island. I like the community of waterpark employees.” Fisher Allison, 16: “Working at Isle of Palms Marina is awesome because I’m outside all day, on the water, working with boats. What more could you want?” Gage Rourke, 16: “I’m a scorekeeper at the Mount Pleasant (Recreation) Department, for golf, and basketball, and other sports. I love sports and it lets me meet people and expand my knowledge of golf.” Lucas Crum, 14: “I just got hired at Publix. They actually accept 14-year-olds as employees; they pay well and have flexible hours.” Rachel Farmer, 17: “I love my job at Brighton Swim Academy because I get to teach little kids a life skill they will use forever! I get to watch them grow into amazing little people.” Rae McBride, 15: “Our neighborhood in Nelliefield already has lots of pet sitters and babysitters, so I had to think outside the box. I started a mailbox painting business to earn money to go to camp and start saving for a car.” School is out for the summer, and teenagers are swapping textbooks for paychecks. Check out how these local teens are making their hustle this summer.