September Yards of the Month

The Daniel Island Garden Club recognizes local residents with its Yard of the Month award, continuing through September, with special awards for Halloween in October and the holiday season in December. Winners have a sign placed in their yard by the Garden Club to be displayed for the month.
Overall, the organization is looking for manicured yards and beautification projects with originality and creativity, and judging can take place anytime during the month. Here are the winners for September 2024.
Yards of the Month
The winners for September follow:
• 2 Lafar Street – Tracey and John Lively
• 548 Park Crossing Street – Stephanie and Gary Ballabio
• 114 Cape Street – Karen and Bill Kuncken
• 8040 Gibbon Street – MJ and David Mascarin
• 1100 Barfield Street – Tania and Peter Schettini
• 1633 Oakleaf Street – Ryan Mehm
• 160 Ithecaw Creek Street – Nancy and Dr. Terry Johnson
To view the photos of the winning homes, click on the photo in the window above.