The luckiest dad in the world

Sometimes a weekend stands out as exceptional. Truly memorable and fun. This past weekend was one of them.  
On Saturday, I attended The Danziger Cup (Kids Fishing Tournament) with Elliott (my son) and Maddie (my daughter). Heather (Elliott’s girlfriend) was the volunteer coordinator for this year’s event. So, I had all my children (I consider Heather to be my second daughter) together.  
It was the perfect segue to Father’s Day. As we walked around Smythe Lake Park, I marveled at the number of young families fishing together and hoped they would develop a special bond through fishing.  
On Father’s Day, of course, my family went fishing. Elliott, Maddie, and Brody (the amazing fish-finding and stock-trading dog) arrived at 4:30 in the morning. Heather was out of town visiting her “other” father.   
We pulled away from the dock at 5:30 a.m. Our plan was to have a low-key offshore fishing trip. The greatest catch of the day would be time spent together. Good thing because fishing was slow. No marlin. No sailfish. No wahoo. No problem. We were happy just to be together.
Thankfully, shortly after lunch, a school of blackfin tuna began feeding on the surface. We cast Yozuri 3D popping lures and caught several sushi dinners.  
We made several attempts at getting a family selfie with a tuna but could not get the shot. Maddie volunteered to take a picture of Elliott, Brody, and me.  
Elliott joked that Maddie did not want to be in the picture because her hair was messed up. We all had a good laugh. As Maddie framed the picture, Brody got an early start on sushi dinner.
On the ride back in, the kids settled into bean bags and took naps. Alone with my thoughts, I felt like the luckiest dad in the world!
Contact Captain Greg Peralta at or call (843) 224-0099.

Daniel Island Publishing

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Unit 108
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