In the June 6-12, 2024, edition of The Daniel Island News, 73% of readers said teens should work during the summer because it builds character and teaches responsibility.
I agree! Busy hands are happy hands.
I loved reading about the first jobs people held as teens.
My first...
As the story goes, a kindergarten teacher once posed three simple questions to her 24 curious, eager, and energetic students. She asked them to raise their hand if their answer is yes.
Q1: Do you know how to draw? Every hand in the air!
Q2: Do you know how to dance? Twenty-four...
Students are graduating this week, and it’s time to celebrate their achievements! This is the Gen Z class that has undergone different experiences than previous generations.
This year’s class of 2024 is the one that started high school at the height of the pandemic. They experienced the...
The 2024 South Carolina primary election begins early voting in just a few days, and voters are sifting through all the political rhetoric bandied about to decide on which candidate to support.
When evaluating your options, what characteristics do you look for in a candidate?
This month’s article was well underway when one particular event filled me with a new curiosity: The recent Aurora Borealis displays seemed to me to create some abnormal activity in our local bird population, and I really wanted to figure out why.
While diurnal birds can sing at any time,...
I regard this short story as a bit embarrassing, but I’ll share it anyway.
I’m 19 years old, back from college during winter break, and reuniting with a close high school friend. We’re in the car, and I’m talking nonstop about first semester when my friend turns to me and says, “You talk...
I read a story about a young man who aimed to be a star journalist. However, he lived in a small town with little hope of attaining that goal.
One day, the dam upstream broke, and the town was flooded. Seizing the opportunity, the aspiring journalist got in a rowboat and headed out to find...
Poll Question:
A recent Daniel Island News article reported a group of residents were proposing that stories of centuries-old Native American settlements and slave villages on Cainhoy soil be implemented into the Berkeley County School District’s educational curriculum to recognize the corridor’s...
Of all the strategies recommended for dealing with setbacks, two struck my fancy: one, refining our coping strategy, and two, surrounding ourselves with supportive people. More on these in a moment.
Not to say that I dismiss the standards – but in dealing with setbacks, be they minor or...
Many years ago, while in junior high school, I played football. The drills in practice the coaches put us through were designed to help get us in shape and learn the right way to play the game.
During practice, one coach often told us, “Boys, if you’re going to do it wrong, do it wrong to...